School Management Software with APP in your name.
Now connect with Students, Parents and Staffs in more easier way. Make them actively engaged!
Communication across Education Platform
Hear the voice of your community that eventually step-up your School
Simple to Use
as easy as sending Notifications, SMS and Voice Calls
Features to say Pupilleader has its Best School Management Software
Take Control
Admissions, Financials, Academics and Administration are clubbed into one point solution along with clear cut Reports.
Send important alerts anytime from your desktop or phone like Notifications, SMS and Voice Calls. Delivery Reports Pinpoint Seen/Unseen
Our Interactive Timeline for News, Circulars, Voice Notes, Gallery, Videos, Achievements makes a smart exposure in your school circle
"Completely Customized காரவுங்க" in product! We Dont push More and provide what schools need enough
For Management!
Say Bye to Social Networks!! No more contact sharing!!
This Platfrom is Unique way of communicating with your circles.
With APP in your School name, Parents can able to access only that particular child Information
Get seamless access with Fees Statements, Exam Stats, Vehicle details, Absentees List, Teachers Performance, Etc.,

For Parents!
Stay on top of what’s going on at school.!
From attendance to Fees, Your School APP makes sure you get the information you need, when you need it, right on your phone.
Get Instant news and alerts from School with Never Miss.
For Teachers!
No More Dairy Hidings!!
The Academics is your turn! Send attandance, Hometask, Documents, Voice Notes, Exam Marks and even more!
What's special with us! - Track parents seen/Unseen. Your Notifications will Never be missed - Period!.

"Its good to see the daily updates from the school and daily hometask of my child"
- Parent